Gain Clarity, Control, Direction, Confidence, & Purpose
Career Construction Coaching
Gain Clarity, Control, Direction, & Purpose
Who We Are
Create Your Why provides professional career coaching services, expert guidance, and comprehensive training to help individuals successfully navigate complex career/life challenges and transitions. Our unique evidence-based approach utilizes the power of narrative psychology and storytelling techniques to help clients gain clarity, control, direction, confidence, and purpose. We don’t help you find your why, we help you Create Your Why. In addition to our coaching services, we offer Life Designing and Career Construction Masterclasses to Career Practitioners seeking to take their skills to the next level. Our masterclasses offer valuable insights, techniques, and tools to optimize coaching sessions, unlock the full potential of clients, and facilitate meaningful and sustainable career transformations.
Use our Software to Create Your Why
Many career practitioners follow a similar approach, assessing an individual’s Values, Interests, Personality, and Strengths (VIPS), then setting goals and creating action plans. However, they often overlook the crucial element that sets an individual apart, makes them unique and memorable, and that is their personal narrative. Your story has the power to inspire and influence others. As Maya Angelou said, “People may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” Stories make people feel. Unlock the power of your story and discover your unique narrative.
What We Do
How We Do It
We use narrative psychology and storytelling techniques to help individuals, explore, define, and implement their career related needs, values, interests, and aspirations. We have extensive training and experience in using qualitative assessments such as the Career Construction Interview to help individuals explore who they are, where they have been, and where they are going.
In today’s fast-paced job market, effectively communicating your skills and personal narrative is essential for success. Building a unique personal brand that showcases your talents and abilities allows you to effectively market yourself to potential employers, customers, and clients.